
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sucessful 2012... Amazing :)

Having a plan for success: 2012

“Look to the future, because that’s where you’ll spend the rest of your life.” – George Burns

Why in the world would we be thinking about 2012? If you are going to commit to a better year next year, why not really commit to achieving those goals. Don’t just set goal(s) in a spur of the moment and hope for the best.

“Most people don’t plan to fail: they fail to plan.” John L. Beckley

How do we do it?

1.         Review our Current Goals. To review the goals we have to set for our self for this year. This exercise helps us to find where we hit the mark and where we were unrealistically over ambitious.

 “Whatever you want, wants you even more than you want it.” – Mark Victor Hanson

2.         Create of review our vision and mission. While we have had a mission statements in the past, our vision and mission statements get better every year.

“Eventually you need to start being you. And then you need to get really good at it.” – Hugh MacLeod

3.         Draft your top 10 goals for next year. We should create 10 goals to have a few goals for multiple roles. Goals should be in S.M.A.R.T. format (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time-based).

“The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” – Walter Bagehot

4.         Create action plans. Review each goal and find the actions it will take to do that goal. We don’t worry about putting the actions in order. We just list what we will need to do to carry out each goal.

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

5.         Assign time-lines. Review each action and assign a start date and end date for each item. This step is where we have starts to realize how realistic our goals are.

“The way you spend your time is a result of the way you see your time and the way you really see your priorities.” – Stephen Covey

“Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution; this gives you a 1,000 percent Return on Energy!” – Brian Tracy

To do great things or just something more than you did last year, you need a plan to follow. You can’t order this plan on-line or in a store or even steal it from someone else. You have to create it yourself.

Dedicate the time to make yourself better. Don’t look back at the end of your life and wish you had done more.Remember;

It is never too late. Plan for 2012 now.

We wish you, your families and your loved ones a Very Happy, Prosperous and Peaceful New Year.

Stay Connected with us!

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