
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Writing -

[Use The Word Execrate = : to dislike and criticize (someone or something) very strongly]
Writing, which is difficult task for me, is essential for life because it is the way of expressing things that you can't do verbally or with anybody.
you always wanted someone listen to you, suggests you, helps you, share your feelings, negociate with you Give advices, stay friendly with you and in todays world no one as enough time to even stay with you addionaly if both gets time so it mismatch, the key to this puzzle is just infront of you.. just write write write, the best way of expression either in your personal diary or on blog or even on status of facebook.
Writings are always being important in the early ages, Bible, Quran and Differnt Holy Book even the scluptures found at Indus Valley Civilization also shows about the writing. This means that Since 3500 Before Crist this tradition is on going, important and encouraged.. :)
People says that pen's sharpness is even greater than Shapness of sword, this is the reason, today media is catching ones eye, it can execrate or bless someone, boost or hinder. it depend of its usage
Writing is the only thing which we are taught since nursery of or Montesori, but as soon as we go big big and bigger we forgets it and gets involved in differnts medium and time waster social networking even it can also be used for this purpose, it depends upon us that what we do, either use it in the way we want or diminish it.
the future of this world is in our hand....

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