
Thursday, January 20, 2011


Use the Word Hoodlum, linchpin
Which Means
linchpin: one that serves to hold together parts or elements that exist or function as a unit
Hoodlum: a Tough or Violent Criminal
We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. they are used in business, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. what things will they be used in the future?> Is this dependence on computer a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits?

Computer, a Device Invented by Charles Babbage, Proved to be a turning point in human history. Implemented since 20th Century, this machine helps alot in our daily life either in the field of a aeronautics or accounting or any where else, but at some point it destroy our ability to think, ability to reacts, emotions and ideas.
From the Day it was invented, disease such as depression, sugar, etc are implementing on mankind. Disease are the outcomes of Computer or Computer is outcome of disease is still a question mark. People says that technology such as computer are outcomes of diseases, more the diseases, more approach to cure it through technology so invention of latest computer or technology is directly proportional to disease.The more days are passing the more disease came into existence, which is simply an outcome of this technology

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Writing -

[Use The Word Execrate = : to dislike and criticize (someone or something) very strongly]
Writing, which is difficult task for me, is essential for life because it is the way of expressing things that you can't do verbally or with anybody.
you always wanted someone listen to you, suggests you, helps you, share your feelings, negociate with you Give advices, stay friendly with you and in todays world no one as enough time to even stay with you addionaly if both gets time so it mismatch, the key to this puzzle is just infront of you.. just write write write, the best way of expression either in your personal diary or on blog or even on status of facebook.
Writings are always being important in the early ages, Bible, Quran and Differnt Holy Book even the scluptures found at Indus Valley Civilization also shows about the writing. This means that Since 3500 Before Crist this tradition is on going, important and encouraged.. :)
People says that pen's sharpness is even greater than Shapness of sword, this is the reason, today media is catching ones eye, it can execrate or bless someone, boost or hinder. it depend of its usage
Writing is the only thing which we are taught since nursery of or Montesori, but as soon as we go big big and bigger we forgets it and gets involved in differnts medium and time waster social networking even it can also be used for this purpose, it depends upon us that what we do, either use it in the way we want or diminish it.
the future of this world is in our hand....


Nepotism is favoritism granted to relatives or friends regardless of merit, which is increasing day by day, it was since the early times and is happening throughout. People don't appreciate it but the question is still what can be done to prevent these favourism?
We care of our loved ones, concerned about them but is it correct to do a favor for them? do moral values, ethics allow them? is it right to do so?
Benefits of doing that are not more than getting reputation or helping a dearest person but in contrast it effects the people's life. Many of the people attempts suicide of just because of poverty which is a result of Nepotism.
Jobs are often given on the basis of personal relationships, which increases timid character on the person who is the most capable for the job, this character results in loosing self-motivation, inspiration to live, person becomes dis hearted and ruins his life for just the sake of job?
The Person encourages the nepotism are actually the losers in the real life, just because they can't achieve something in their life they tries to get job on the basis of relationships or gives jobs to them. they even don't know they are hiring a black sheep and the people who gets failed should not be dis hearted and one must think that he is at least better then the one who can Live his life honestly and make his/her parents proud.

P.S. Image is copied from

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today I Was Just Going Through My E-mail,
I saw couple of Great Videos Which Inspired Me And I Would Like To do this Type Of work in Future. !! :)

and Another One

New Words

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.

- Abraham Lincoln

Today I Thought During My English Examination (2nd Bi-Monthly) about improving my English vocabulary, to increase my words, to expand my reaching.

The Mail My Sohail Chachu Subscribed for me, would be very helpful, through it i can learn many more new words, expand my literacy and can speak and write well

Today I Use a new word in the english vocabulary "Timid" which means Not Confident Enough in an essay namely Media is effective on building up new generation thoughts.

From now onwards, i would write my blog daily and i want people to comment on it. !! :) 8)

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Year 2010

My Year 2010, the most memorable year which is not easy forget, carry a big bunch of memories with it. It started off celebrating with my family and my sisters Fiance. !! :)
It was So much Fun. !! ^_^
After That Went off with my friends for a Espresso Coffee to Enjoy winter. !! :) We Went to a nearby shop In rickshaw's, The cold Wind Making Our Ears and Body So Cold. :D
Resolution Were also Being Made,
It was to Make My self timid, strong to face the difficulties of life in this young teenage. :)